Thursday, July 14, 2011

Whispering Te Amo....

It was a beautiful sunny day for a beautiful bride! Thank you for letting me apart of your special day, and thank you Belle Garcia for letting me come and represent your company! 

Did you say meatball?

The perfect “Meet Cute”

Jennifer and Clint had such a cute story I had to share.. On Jennifer’s first day at work the trainer wanted the new people to do an “Ice Breaker” activity. Each person had a food item written on a note card and had to walk around the room asking yes or no questions to each other and see if they could find there match. On her card, she had spaghetti, and who naturally was her meatball? That’s right Clint.

These two had me smiling from ear to ear the entire time. Both of them are so full of love for each other and it was such a nice energy to be around. I wish you both nothing but the very best with your upcoming wedding. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

The next Chapter..

I find it extraordinary the way god made women’s bodies. When Hannah told me that she could feel that the baby had hick-ups, a feeling of absolute amazement hit me. Something that some of you may not know about me is that I studied Child Development. The wonders of pregnancy and a human growing inside another, makes my head run in circles ( In a good way ). That fact that after just two weeks, there is another heart developed in your body I think is remarkable. Thank you both for letting me capture the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life. I cannot wait to meet your little one…

Dancing in the Rain

virtue — one in which the emotional capacities of empathy and sympathy are regarded as a part of love itself. This couple had an astonishing compassion for each other. When I was editing there pictures, I could see in every picture of the two of them, how much they loved each other.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pop the champagne and bring on the chocolates!

When I was choosing a photographer for my own wedding, one of the first things I looked at was photographer’s blogs.  I wanted to feel like I really knew who I was hiring; I wanted to understand how they saw the world and feel like I was a part of their journey.  I mean this is the person that I am trusting to capture memories of one of the most special days of my life right? So what are my intentions in starting a blog you wonder? I want to show you who I am. I want to show you how I see the world.  I have started a new chapter of my life recently, and hope to share all the wonderful times ahead, with you.
So, to everyone who has decided to follow me on this journey, thank you for all your love and support.